In a child custody case, the court aims to determine what is in the child's best interests. An experienced custody attorney can help you and the court navigate the allocation of parental responsibilities. Proper legal representation can help the court understand the importance of your presence in your child's life.
Johnson Law Group's Community Service Project Commerce City, CO – 7/12/2023 – Backpack Bash, a community service project of Johnson Law Group, is gearing up to provide free school supplies to local students in need. Starting July 12th, Johson Law Group Family Law Attorneys and support legal team will begin collecting new or slightly used […]
Whether one spouse requests a divorce or both spouses agree that it is the correct choice, it will still be an emotionally charged time as you work to separate your lives from each other and learn how to live as a single person. A divorce becomes even more complicated in situations with complex factors like […]
Contact Johnson Law Group at (720) 445-4444 and give your dad the gift of peace of mind, knowing that his wishes are protected, and his loved ones are cared for.
Johnson Law Group is thrilled to announce Attorney Myles Johnson is Appointed to serve on the Judicial Performance Commission for the 17th Judicial District!
Our experience, dedication to Colorado families, and our success in each case we represent sets us apart from the competition. We are passionate about family and estate law. Our highly-qualified team will work diligently to achieve the best possible results in your case.
Johnson Law Group, LLC is located in Denver, CO and serves clients in and around Englewood, Denver, Aurora, Littleton, Wheat Ridge, Adams County, Arapahoe County and Denver County.
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