Denver Family Law Attorneys & Mediatiors

Writing a Last Will And Testament

September 23, 2022
A Last Will and Testament (will) is an official, legal document that allows you to declare who has the legal right to manage your estate and inherit your property after you pass away. Although none of us wants to think about our own death, writing a will is an important action that will allow the […]
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Which Should You File For First: Bankruptcy or Divorce?

September 22, 2022
If you and your spouse are considering a divorce, it is not unusual to have financial problems at the same time as other marital challenges. Divorce can be emotionally draining, and with bankruptcy piled on top of it, life becomes even more stressful. If you are considering both, you may be curious if it would […]
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Understanding “Best Interest of the Child” Standard

September 21, 2022
During the divorce process, one of your top concerns may involve the custody of your children. Many components go into child custody decisions, but the primary goal in custody determinations according to family courts always centers on the “best interest of the child.” There are many elements that play into this standard, but the court […]
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Child Support Answers

September 16, 2022
In child custody cases, the court typically awards a joint custody arrangement to the parents, along with a child support order.  In most cases, joint custody with both parents is in the best interest of the child. This scenario allows both parents to build an ongoing relationship with their child and also requires them to […]
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Colorado Common Law Marriage 2023 - All You Need to Know

September 15, 2022
Do you know that you could be in a common law marriage in the state of Colorado and not even realize it? Common law marriage in Colorado is a confusing topic for many because very few people understand what it means to be common law married and who decides whether a couple meets the criteria […]
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Our experience, dedication to Colorado families, and our success in each case we represent sets us apart from the competition. We are passionate about family and estate law. Our highly-qualified team will work diligently to achieve the best possible results in your case.
Fast & responsive family law team

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Johnson Law Group, LLC is located in Denver, CO and serves clients in and around Englewood, Denver, Aurora, Littleton, Wheat Ridge, Adams County, Arapahoe County and Denver County.
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