When two partners split, it is imperative that a child custody agreement be determined for the benefit of the child and to create stability. However, child custody orders are not immutable. There are situations where a child custody order can be changed or modified. The Colorado Uniform Child-custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) describes modification as actions that change, replace, supersede, or otherwise alter a determination that was previously made regarding a child’s custody situation. Parents who need assistance with a current child custody order and would like help having it modified can call the experienced family law attorneys at Johnson Law Group at (720) 744-3513 or Text-to-chat at (720) 744-3513.
Must the Courts Be Involved in a Child Custody Modification?
In very rare cases, some parents may be able to make small modifications that might include moving a pickup or drop-off location for the children. When this happens, this is considered an informal modification and can be an easy way to keep relations cordial between parents.
However, when more substantial changes are made, such as a shift in which a parent has a larger portion of the custody of a child, then the courts must be involved. Even if there is agreement on the change between parents, it will not be legally binding. A new court order is required in order to ensure legal protections. If you are interested in modifying your child custody arrangement, consider visiting with the experienced family law attorneys at Johnson Law Group to get your questions answered.
Top Reasons for Requesting a Child Custody Modification
The best interests of the child are always at the center of a judge’s decision when modifying a child custody arrangement. There are several legitimate reasons that one parent may have to consider a child custody modification. Some of the most common reasons a parent may want to modify or change their child custody order include:
Moving Residences
If a parent moves to a location that is close to their original residence, a new child custody modification may not be necessary. However, if a parent moves out of a school district, or across state lines, this will have a significant impact on both the child and the other parent. A child custody modification may be granted if it negatively impacts the child, or causes a substantial change in circumstances that differ from the original custody order.
Violations of Current Child Custody Orders
The terms of a custody order are meant to be followed by both parents. If one parent violates the child custody order, this could be grounds to file for a child custody modification. To be successful, having evidence to show that the custody order was violated, or that a child’s welfare was in danger is important. If you ever feel that your child is in danger, contact the authorities, and consider visiting with Johnson Law Group to see if a temporary restraining order might be available in your circumstance.
Accommodating the Various Needs of a Child
At every stage in life, the needs and the requirements of a child to continue to grow and prosper will change. This may mean that what worked best for a younger child will not work for an older child. Children often develop an interest in activities and academic areas that require different schedules and commitments. If this appears to be your situation with your child, consider whether a child custody modification might better suit your child’s circumstances. In other cases, if a child has developed a disease, illness, or other condition where one parent is particularly situated to be the better care provider, a child custody modification may be appropriate.
Accommodating the Various Needs of a Parent
Just like children, parents can have life changes. Parents might get remarried or relocate to a different location. A parent could develop a medical condition that impairs their ability to provide appropriate care for their children. In more serious cases, a parent could be charged with crimes that lead to incarceration. Some significant changes that occur in a parent’s life might impact a child such that a child custody modification would be warranted.
The Health and Welfare of the Child is at Risk
When there is concern that a child’s well-being and safety are at risk, they must be removed from such an environment as quickly as possible. Please make sure to contact the authorities if you believe your child is in danger and consider visiting with an experienced family law attorney to help you understand all of your legal options. A child custody modification may be expedited in certain situations where a child is believed to be in danger.
Speak to a Colorado Child Custody Lawyer Today
Issues of child custody can be emotionally and legally complex. Child custody orders are meant to be long-lasting and are not easily changed. However, there are circumstances that warrant a reexamination and reevaluation of Colorado child custody orders. The court will always want to ensure the best interest of the child, and in some circumstances that will involve a child custody modification order. If you believe that your situation may warrant a child custody modification, contact the compassionate and dedicated Colorado child custody attorneys at the Johnson Law Group today at (720) 744-3513 or Text-to-chat at (720) 744-3513 to schedule a free consultation. We look forward to visiting with you and helping you ensure your legal and parental rights are protected.
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