In many cases, divorce ends in such a way that spouses are pitted against each other. They are fighting over the same thing and doing anything they can to win — even if it involves trying to lie or hide something. Not always, but many times, these lies and schemes are in reference to money or child custody.
Nevertheless, it’s important to avoid tactics that are not reputable, as well as those that are potentially illegal. By understanding what not to do, you can also better understand what you should do during a divorce and how to handle different situations that may arise.
Here are ten divorce tactics in Colorado to be sure to avoid.
- Lying to Your LawyerThis will never end well. If you’ve done something you don’t want to fess up to, chances are your spouse or their lawyer already knows, and it’s going to get brought up in court. The lawyer you have hired will not be able to properly represent or defend you if they do not know the whole situation. It’s better to always tell the truth.
- Hiding MoneyIf you lie about or hide the money you have, more than likely, the judge is going to find out. The judge will then likely do the exact thing you were trying to avoid — side with your spouse and could possibly reward them with a higher amount. It’s best just to be honest about the assets you do have.
- Talking in a Negative Manner About the Other Parent in Front of Your ChildrenPeople don’t say “Keep the kids out of it” for no reason. It is known to have a negative effect on children when you bring them into a divorce, but it also can leave the judge with a negative view of you.
Judges do not tolerate when a parent has a history of abuse or provides an unstable environment for a child, but they also don’t typically take it lightly when parents say negative things about the other parent in front of their children or when one parent purposely alienates the children from the other parent. This behavior could result in less parenting time, custody being awarded to the other parent, or higher child custody payments. Always try to present a united front when around your children.
- Not Having Realistic ExpectationsThere are times when people go into a divorce assuming they are going to be rewarded exactly what they want. Sometimes, people even assume they should be rewarded with everything. When this happens, they often aren’t prepared for what could be thrown at them in the courtroom. By letting the ball drop, they very well could lose the divorce and be rewarded less than what they deserve. It’s important to remember, however, that a divorce is generally splitting two properties and assets down the middle.
- Being SneakyGoing through a divorce can really put your emotions in overdrive, and sometimes people do things out of desperation. It’s never a good idea to do something sneaky involving your spouse to make yourself look better. If the judge finds out, it won’t end well. Always remember, never do anything you don’t want the judge to know about.
- Emptying Bank AccountsYou may think that if your bank account is empty, the judge will assume you don’t have much money and so will have fewer payments in terms of spousal support or child custody. However, the judge will quickly be able to realize by your bank statements what you have done with it. Keep your bank accounts as they are throughout the divorce.
- Fighting Just to FightSometimes people get so caught up in the divorce that they will end up fighting over every little meaningless thing. It’s important to remember to only fight for the items that are actually worth fighting for.
- Social Media MisbehaviorYou may think that social media is a place to vent or get your anger out. However, social media posts can be used as potential evidence. Don’t post anything you don’t want the judge to find out about.
- Getting Rid of StuffIt may sound like a good idea to get rid of or give away some of your assets right when you start going through a divorce. However, it is illegal in Colorado to get rid of any marital assets once divorce proceedings begin. It’s best to keep your stuff and let it be split up through the divorce.
- Not Seeing a LawyerYou may think that you will be able to handle a divorce on your own, without any legal representation. It’s always a good idea to have a lawyer at least look at your divorce plans and paperwork, as there may be factors you are overlooking. They can point those out for you.
- Embarrassing your spouse on purpose
- Taking everything
- Canceling credit cards
- Clearing out bank accounts
- Refusing to cooperate
- Jeopardizing your spouse’s employment
- Meddling in an affair
- Leaving town with your children
- Filing false abuse reports
Q: What should you not do during a divorce?
A: There are several things you could do during a divorce that could be brought up in court and used against you. Some of the most common ones include hiding your assets, lying to your lawyer, slamming your spouse on social media, being sneaky, alienating children from a spouse, and having a confrontation with your spouse — especially through text messages and emails, which can be brought to the courtroom. It’s best to always remember to be honest and professional throughout a divorce.
Q: How do you avoid getting screwed in a divorce?
A: The best way to avoid getting screwed in a divorce is to educate yourself on the process and hire an attorney. Divorces can get ugly, and having an attorney can make sure you are following all the rules and not getting into any legal trouble. They can help you through the process and look out for what is in your best interest.
Q: How do you play dirty in a divorce?
A: Playing dirty in a divorce can mean different things to different people. Many people believe that some of the dirtiest tricks in a divorce are:
Q: How can I get a divorce without losing everything?
A: The first way to keep from losing everything in a divorce is to hire an experienced divorce attorney. You will then need to gather all the proper documents, such as your financial statements. Discuss any changes to your finances you are planning to make with your attorney first to ensure you are on the right side of the law.
If you need representation for your divorce or you have questions about what the process will look like, Johnson Law Group can help. Contact us today.
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